(1 中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003;2 山东省芝罘区海洋与渔业局,山东 烟台 264000)
Study on the effect of fuel additives on exhaust emissions of fishing vessel diesel with
SONG Xiefa1,SONG Dedong1,DONG Dengpan1,JIANG Guanglong1,HUANG Zhitao1,CHEN Yiming2
(1 Fishery College, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China;
2 Zhifu District Oceanic and Fishery Administration, Yantai 264000, China)
Abstract:The effects of two kinds of fuel additives on exhaust emissions of new and old fishing vessel diesels were studied through bench test with propulsion characteristic. It could provide useful information for fishermen to select fuel additives by comparing the weighted purification rate, which was calculated by weighted coefficient. The results showed that: better emission reduction was attained under the higher load compared with the lower load. The reduction rates of HC, CO, NOx and smoke on the old diesel with sample 2 had best performance, which ranged from 20.30% to 40.35%. Weighted purification rates on the old diesel were higher than that on the new diesel with sample 1 and 2. Weighted purification rates of HC, CO, NOx and smoke on the old diesel with sample 1 were 20.04%, 12.53%, 0.29% and 19.38%, respectively., while the weighted purification rates of HC, CO, NOx and smoke on the old diesel with sample 2 were much better than with sample 1, which were 36.46%, 24.57%, 23.99% and 14.03%, respectively.
Keywords: fishing vessel diesel; fuel additives; bench test; exhaust emissions; weighted purification rate