(1 山东省海水养殖研究所,山东 青岛 266002;2 青岛市市立医院(集团),山东 青岛 266011)
摘要:为研究复合中草药饲料添加剂对大菱鲆促生长的影响。将白术、茯苓、大黄、甘草和山楂等15种中草药按一定比例配制成A、B两种中草药制剂,在水温15.1~16.3 ℃下,分别按照0‰、5‰、10‰和15‰添加量投喂初始平均体质量为(112.316.7 )g的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus),寻找其促生长作用和适宜添加量。60 d的饲养结果表明:中草药A 5‰添加量对大菱鲆促生长效果优于中草药A 10‰、15‰添加量和中草药B 5‰、10‰和15‰添加量;中草药A 5‰组持续投喂20 d、40 d、60 d,增重率比对照组高4.4%、-5.8%、-12.7%,饲料系数降低7.4%、4.4%、-10.1%,蛋白质效率提高5.1%、4.4%、-11.1%。中草药A 5‰添加量组对大菱鲆促生长效果较优,但随着投喂时间的延长,促生长效果逐渐减弱而低于对照组。
Effect of compound Chinese herbal medicine feed additives on growth of turbot Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)
GUO Pingping1, CHEN Zengsheng2, HU Fanguang1, WU Zhihong1, SUN Fuxin1, WANG Zhigang1
(1 Mariculture Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao 266002 , China;
2 Qingdao Municipal Hospital (Group), Qingdao, 266011, China)
Abstract: To study compound Chinese Herbal Medicine feed additives on promoting Scophthalmus maximus growth, A and B two kinds Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation are formulated by using Atractylodes, Poria, rhubarb, licorice, hawthorn and other 15 kinds of Chinese herbs. In the experiment, to explore their role in promoting Scophthalmus maximus growth and appropriate dosage, 5 ‰, 10 ‰ and 15 ‰ dosage feed additives were respectively fed to Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)with initial average body mass (112.316.7 )g under water temperature 15.1 ~ 16.3 ℃, 0 ‰,. After 60 days feeding, the effect of Herbs A 5 ‰ volume on promoting Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus) growth was better than herbs A 10 ‰, herbs A 15 ‰ and herbal B 5 ‰, 10 ‰ and 15 ‰ dosage. Herbal A 5 ‰ group continued feeding for 20 days, 40 days, 60 days, weight gain rate was higher than the control group by 4.4% ,-5.8%, -12.7%, feed conversion ratio decreased by 7.4%, 4.4%, -10.1%, protein efficiency increased by 5.1%, 4.4%, -11.1%. Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation A5 ‰ dosage is excellent in promoting Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus)growth, as the feeding time prolong, the growth-promoting effect gradually weakens and even become worse than the control group.
Key words: Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparations; Scophthalmus maximus;feed conversion ratio; protein efficiency ratio; weight gain rate