谷德贤1,王 婷2,刘国山1,刘茂利1,王晓宇1
(1天津市水产研究所 天津300221;2 天津渤海水产研究所 天津 300457)
摘要:根据2013年5、6、8、10月4个航次的底拖网调查结果,利用 -分布模型法、扫海面积法、Cadina经验公式等,对天津海域中国对虾资源进行评估,并分析了其季节变化及分布情况。结果显示,调查海域5月未捕获中国对虾,6月中国对虾平均体重为4.31 g,平均体长75.82 mm,平均头胸甲长23.04 mm,8月中国对虾平均体重为23.82 g,平均体长143.33 mm,平均头胸甲长43.38 mm,10月捕获中国对虾1尾。中国对虾8月份平均资源密度最大,为1 502.94 ind/km2、43.31 kg/km2,其资源分布呈逐月向外海深水区推移的趋势,资源量分布重心:6月位于117°53.23′E、39°00.28′N,8月位于117°57.22′E、38°52.96′N,10月位于118°00′E、39°00′N。2013年天津海域中国对虾现存资源量为129.93 t,最大持续产量为212.20 t。
关键词:天津海域;中国对虾; -分布模型法;资源评估
Analysis on resources of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus orientali
in Tianjin sea area
GU Dexian1, WANG Ting2, LIU Guoshan1, LIU Maoli 1, WANG Xiaoyu1
(1 Tianjin Fisheries Research Institute, Tianjin 300221 China;
2 Bohai Fishery Research Institute of Tianjin,Tianjin 300457 China)
Abstract:The resources of Chinese shrimps Fenneropenaeus orientali were surveyed with bottom trawl in May, June, August and October, 2013, in Tianjin sea area. The results showed that, no Chinese shrimps were captured in May; the average carapace length, body length and body weight were respectively 23.04mm, 75.82mm, and 4.31g in June, and were respectively 43.38mm, 143.33mm, and 23.82g in August; and only one Chinese shrimp was captured in October. The seasonal variation and distribution of Chinese shrimps were analyzed using Delta-distribution model-based method, sweeping area method, and Cadina Experience Formula. Based on the analyses above, the maximum values of monthly average resource density and biomass were 1 502.94 ind/km2 and 43.31 kg/km2, appearing in August. The Chinese shrimps migrated from inner side to outer side of Bohai Bay by month, and the core area of the resources located at 117°53.23′-118°00′E、38°52.96′-39°00.28′N. The standing crop and maximum sustainable yield (MSY) were 129.93 t and 212.20 t respectively, in Tianjin sea area.
Key words: Tianjin sea area; fenneropenaeus orientali; delta-distribution model-based method; biological characteristics fishery stock assessment