(中国水产科学研究院渔业工程研究所, 北京 100141)
摘 要:以沿海渔港建设标准编制工作为契机,对我国沿海几个省市的代表性渔港开展调研活动,通过问卷调研和实地考察,初步了解了目前我国沿海渔港的建设现状及存在的问题,其中,重点讨论造成港池淤积与环境污染现象的原因,并给出适当的解决办法。为解决由于建筑物设计、固液体垃圾肆意排放、处理设备不足、作业人员素质低下等原因造成的港池淤积和环境污染问题,应采取合理设计码头等建筑物、提高硬件配套设施、加强资金和人员的管理分配、制定有效的奖惩政策等办法解决。
Sedimentation and contamination problem in the coastal fishing port
SUN Yi-yan, CHEN Guo-qiang, ZHANG Jian-qiao
(Fishery Engineering Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Beijing 100141, China)
Abstract: In order to compile the construction standard of coastal fishing port, questionnaire research and field survey activities were carried out in some representative coastal fishing port. The current situation and problems of the port construction were surveyed. In this paper, the reasons and the solutions caused by fishing port sedimentation and environment contamination are mainly discussed. Sedimentation and contamination problems due to the building design, solid and liquid waste drainage, lack of processing equipment and workers with lower quality will be settled through designing the building reasonably, improving the relevant facilities, enhancing the management and distribution of the capital and worker, establishing effective policy on rewards and punishment.
Key words: Fishing port sedimentation; environment contamination; questionnaire research; field survey; coastal fishing port
作者简介:孙一艳(1981—),女,工程师,博士,研究方向:渔港与渔场工程。E-mail: sunyy@cafs.ac.cn