(浙江海洋学院船舶与建筑工程学院,浙江 舟山316004)
摘要:为了快速精确的预报渔船阻力及设计节能球艏,采用FLUENT软件对总长41.00 m的钢质拖网渔船进行三维船体数值模拟,得到相应速度下的阻力值,对比船模拖曳试验结果证实了该方法用于阻力计算的准确性。改变球鼻中心高度位置,设计了3种球艏线型,通过对比得到一个减阻效果明显的球艏优化方案,该方案可以降低阻力6%以上。FLUENT软件可以应用于渔业船舶的粘性流场计算,得出渔船节能球艏选型的量化分析,为推进渔船船型标准化提供理论依据和借鉴。
Numerical simulation and bulbous optimization of trawler
YANG Xiao-gang WANG Xiang-qian ZHANG Xiao-jun
(School of Naval Architecture and Civil Engineering , Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316004, China)
Abstract: In order to quickly and accurately forecasting the resistance of trawler, and design of energy-saving bulbous, the FLUENT software is applied to resistance computation of a 41.00 m trawler in this paper. The result is mostly in line with model test data. Change the center height of the bulbous, three bulbous bows in different shape are designed and simulated under same conditions, one of them shows better function in resistance-reduction than other two, Ⅱ optimization program can reduce the resistance for more than 6%. The results show that the FLUENT software can be applied to calculation of vessel’s viscous flow, draw energy-saving bulbous Quantitative Analysis of Selection, promote the standardization of vessel and provide a theoretical basis and learn from.
Key words: Fishing vessel; resistance; numerical simulation; bulbous bow
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),50-53)