谌志新1,2,谭文先2,刘 平2
(1 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,2 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
Fishery machinery oriented CAD/CAPP integration system
CHEN Zhi-xin 1,2, TAN Wen-xian 2, LIU Ping 2
( 1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China;
2 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: Fishery machinery oriented CAD/CAPP integration system is designed and developed to improve the designing and manufacturing technology level of fishery machinery products. The system utilizes marvelous parametric function and database query function of TopCAD to construct global parametric CAD subsystem and CAPP subsystem of fishery machinery with group technology on the basis of TopCAD. The system integration is achieved by sharing the universal global parametric data, which is also testified about its practicability with winches on fishing vessels.
Key words: Fishery machinery; CAD subsystem; CAPP subsystem; Database system; Global parameter; CAD/CAPP integration
作者简介:谌志新(1969—),男,研究员,硕士,研究方向:海洋渔业装备。E-mail: chenzhixin@fmiri.com
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(3),51-55)