(1 农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092;
2 同济大学机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804)
摘要:为了快速准确地实现对渔船捕捞设备测控系统的实时监控,对过程中信号数据进行实时跟踪与回放,利用过程控制服务器(OPC)软件,在LabVIEW中编程,实现PC与PLC S7-200实时通讯,在上位机实现复杂控制与数据存取等功能;此系统建立了友好的人机监控界面,实现了试验系统泵组、阀组以及传感器组多监控量的精准控制与实时显示,并实现了数据的自动跟踪报警功能。通过构建集中监控系统,方便了工作人员在后台监控各个设备的运行状态,管理设备的运行,从而降低了管理难度和强度。
Research of fishing equipment monitoring system based on OPC technology
NI Han-hua1, XU Zhi-qiang1, YANG Yan-gui2, CHEN Zhi-xin1
( 1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China;
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Tong ji University, Shanghai 201804, China )
Abstract: In order to real-time monitor the fishing equipment system rapidly and accurately, track and playback the date in the process of working, the OPC server software PC Access provided by SIEMENS was used to program in LabVIEW to communicate between host-computer and PLC S7-200. With a Friendly monitor interface, the date which were transmited from pumps, valves and sensors were real-time displayed accurately, furthermore the date will be tracked automatically and alarm when error occur. By constructing a centralized control platform, the equipment conditions were visually displayed to staffs. This facilitates them in backstage monitoring and management on operational conditions so as to reduce the managerial difficulty and intensity.
Key words: Fishing equipment; monitory equipment;OPC; LabVIEW; PLC
基金项目: 公益性行业(农业)科研专项课题(201203018 );国家“863”高技术研发计划资助项目(2012AA092301)
作者简介:倪汉华(1983—),男,助理研究员,从事渔船装备电子仪器研究开发。E-mail: nihanhua@gmail.com