焦 尔,刘 平,郑建丽,谌志新
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
Design of trawler stern gantry and research
JIAO Er,LIU Ping,ZHENG Jianli, CHEN Zhixin
( Key laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,
Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: Stern gantry is the key strength member of trawler, the structure and strength of stern gantry directly effcets efficency and safety of fishing. Based on the analysis of stern gantry’s work principle and force, using two kinds of structural mechanics methods, the beam fixed at both ends of the rigid and the plane frame analysis method,analyzes and compares on the design and calculation, and certify the stern door structure of the recommended method by stress analysis, numerical simulation results show that the mechanical structure strength is requireable under extreme conditions. The classical structural mechanics formula for the analysis, summed up, bending moment influence coefficient are given to improve the design efficiency and optimization of component scale ship stern door frame or similar structure has practical value.
Key words: gantry; structure strength; trawler; design technique