宋 杨1,张国琛1,王彩霞1,王 念2,王俊东1,王麓璐1
(1 大连水产学院机械工程学院,大连 116023;
2 秦皇岛出入境检验检疫局,秦皇岛 066002)
摘要:本试验采用热泵与微波真空联合的方式对海参进行干燥,并与单纯热泵干燥的试验进行了对比。结果表明,利用热泵+微波真空联合干燥方法与单纯热泵干燥比较,干燥时间缩短50%以上,产品复水率有较大提高。其中,先在热泵(温度T=30 ℃,湿度 RH=30%,风速V=1 m/s)中干燥至40%的含水率,再以微波真空(微波功率230 W,真空度0.060 MPa)干燥至13%湿基含水率,所得干燥海参的10 min复水率达到50%,收缩率减小到32.2%,干燥海参感官品质良好,色泽黑亮,参刺及表面无焦糊现象,外观形状保持完好,参体饱满。
Combined heat pump and microwave-vacuum drying of sea cucumber
SONG Yang1, ZHANG Guo-chen1, WANG Cai-xia 1, WANG Nian2, WANG Lu-lu1, WANG Jun-dong1
( 1 College of Machinery Engineering,Dalian Fisheries University,Dalian 116023, China;
2 Qinhuangdao Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Burean of P.R.C, Qinhuangdao 066002, China )
Abstract: For achieve high quality products and reduce the total drying time.Combined microwave-vacuum and heat pump drying facilities were assembled for sea cucumber drying, and compared with those of single-stage heat pump dried products as well. The experimental results proved that the combinations of microwave-vacuum and heat pump can t reduce by 50% of the drying time as compared with those by single-stage heat pump drying,and the rehydration rate of dried sea cucumber was improved. Especially, drying make water content to 40% in heat pump (T=30 ℃, RH=30%,V=1 m/s),then use microwave-vacuum (P=230 W, Pv=0.060 MPa) to make water content to 13% , the rehydration rate of dried sea cucumber was 50% in ten minutes, the shrinkage rate has been decreased to 32.2%. Moreover, the dried sea cucumber has a good sensory quality (the color is black and bright, no browned phenomenon on the thorns and surface, shape changed a little, maintained their integrity)
Key words: sea cucumber; combined drying; heat pump drying; microwave-vacuum drying; shrinkage rate; rehydration rate; sensory quality
作者简介:宋杨(1982—),女,硕士,主要从事水产品加工机械及控制研究。E-mail: song_yang_1982@163.com
通讯作者: 张国琛(1965—),男,教授,主要从事水产品加工机械及控制技术、设施渔业装备技术研究。E-mail: zhangguochen@dlfu.edu.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(1),47-51)