母 刚,张国琛
Design of heat pump drying measurement system for aquatic product
based on LabVIEW
MU Gang, ZHANG Guo-chen
( College of Machinery Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China)
Abstract: A measurement system of heat pump dryer for aquatic product drying which is based on LabVIEW was designed. The author introduced the hardware and software of the measurement system. The experiment of drying Arctic shrimp (Pandalus borealis) based on this system were carried out, the data of experiment were automatic acquired, got the curve of moisture content, adjusting hysteresis of drying condition were improved. Result showed that shorter drying time would be needed if Arctic shrimp were dried at higher temperature, lower relative humidity. The measurement system of heat pump were steadily and feasibility during the experiment.
Key words: heat pump drying; measurement system; LabVIEW; Pandalus borealis
作者简介:母刚(1982—),男,助教,硕士,主要从事水产品加工机械及控制研究。E-mail: mugang@dlfu.edu.cn
通讯作者:张国琛(1965—),男,教授,主要从事水产品加工机械及控制技术、设施渔业装备技术研究。E-mail: zhangguochen@dlfu.edu.cn