胡 刚,马 昕,范秋燕
(海南北斗星通信息服务有限公司,北京 100085)
The apllications on Marine fishery based compass navigation satellite system
HU Gang,MA Xin,FAN Qiu-Yan
(Hainan BDStar Information Service co., ltd.,BeiJing 100085)
Abstract:this article outlines the use of compass navigation satellite system applied to marine fisheries, the need for and describes compass navigation system in the marine fisheries on the application of the status and application solutions,demonstrate the compass navigation satellite system in the importance of marine fisheries and extensive application prospects .
Key words: BeiDou; Marine Fisheries;safety production;fisheries management;
作者简介:胡刚(1971-),男,高级工程师,主要从事卫星导航方面的开发研究。E-mail: ghu@navchina.com