(1 上海海洋大学工程学院,上海 201306;2 农业部渔业船舶检验局,北京 100125)
Research on Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)
Cui Xiu-fang1, Huang Xin-sheng2, Wang Shi-ming1, Xu Wei1, Cai Xue-lian1
( 1 College of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China;
2 Register of Fishing Vessel of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100125, China )
Abstract: Through the functional analysis of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), design of VMS has been made. It includes ship-borne terminal device, shipping monitoring and control center, ship-shore communications. Use Advanced RISC Machines controller as the main controller of ship-borne terminals. Means of communication based on Inmarsat-C satellite system. In the offshore and river, to use public wireless communications as a supplement. This method can reduce communication costs. It is conducive to the promotion and applications of VMS.
Key words: Vessel Monitoring System; ship-borne terminal device; shipping monitoring and control center; communications
作者简介:崔秀芳 (1972—),女,讲师,工学硕士,从事渔船控制与信息技术研究。E-mail: xfcui@shfu.edu.cn