陈 坚
(温州市海洋与渔业局,温州 325000)
摘要:温州在渔船节能降耗工作中,首次在渔船上试用和安装了风光互补(600 W+100 W)发电设备,取得良好的社会、经济效益。根据东海区的风力资源和太阳能资源,以及现有渔船上电器的使用情况,探讨了在渔船上使用风光互补发电设备的可行性和设备配置,经过实际试用得到了初步验证。
Technical analysis of Wind/ PV Generation System using on fishing boat
(Wenzhou Fisheries Technology Promotion Center, Wenzhou 325003, China)
Abstract: In the work of saving energy and reducing consumption on fishing boat, Wenzhou city, the first one to set up the Wind/PV generation system on fishing boat, got good social and economical effects. According to the wind energy and solar energy in eastern ocean location, and the current statement of fishing boat using the electrical equipment, we studied the feasibility of using the Wind/PV generation system on fishing boat and the system installation. And the Wind/PV Generation System using on fishing boat was proved by tentative use.
Key words: fishing boat; Wind/PV generation system; energy saving and consumption reducing; renewable energy resources
作者简介:陈坚(1965—),男,高级工程师,大学本科,研究方向:渔业技术推广。E-mail: chenjian6080@163.com