魏鹏威1,2,张建一1,詹 鋆2
(1 集美大学机械工程学院,福建 厦门,361021;2 集美大学轮机工程学院,福建 厦门,361021)
摘要:液化天然气(LNG)是清洁能源,同时又蕴含大量冷量,我国已经提出渔船推广使用LNG作为动力燃料。目前,渔船制冷能耗占全船能耗30%~40%。为了确定混合动力渔船中LNG的应用优势,本文结合实际生产中的50 m型围网渔船进行了计算分析。结果显示,在该型渔船上采用柴油/天然气混合动力,替油率80%时每年可节省燃料费用61万元。将LNG冷量用于冷海水系统,每天可制取0 ℃冷海水10.4 t,减少冷海水制冷系统工作时长1.6 h,部分冷量用于系统的过冷循环,可使系统COP提高5.2%。分析表明,利用混合动力渔船的LNG冷能可显著节能,降低营运成本。
Application and analysis of LNG cold energy for hybrid fishing vessel
WEI Peng-wei 1, 2, ZHANG Jian-yi 1, ZHAN Jun2
( 1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;
2 College of Marine Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China )
Abstract: Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is a clean energy with a lot of cold energy. Its use as engine fuel for fishing vessel is promoted currently in China. The energy consumption of refrigeration system in fishing vessels has accounted for 30% to 40% in total energy consumption. In order to determine the advantage of LNG applications in hybrid fishing vessel, some calculation and analysis are conducted based on 50 m model purse seine vessel. The results show that 610 thousands yuan can be saved annually if 80% of diesel oil is replaced by LNG on this type of fishing vessels. Meanwhile, 10.4 t cold seawater in 0 ℃ can be produced and 1.6 hour of the system’s working time can be reduced each day by use of the LNG cold energy. The COP can be improved by 5.2% when the surplus LNG cold energy is used for subcooled cycle of the refrigeration system. Energy cost can be significantly reduced by use of LNG cold energy in the hybrid fishing vessels based on the analysis.
Key words:LNG cold energy; refrigeration of fishing vessel; cold seawater; sub-cooled cycle
作者简介:魏鹏威(1988—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:轮机工程。E-mail: i236354779@126.com
通讯作者:张建一(1953—),男,教授,研究方向:制冷空调的优化与节能。E-mail: jyzhang@jmu.edu.cn