江 涛,徐中伟,王志勇,徐志强
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要:为了揭示渔船舷侧滚筒对网衣、缆绳的绞拉性能,采用XCGTs-I舷侧滚筒分别对不同水平缩结系数、包角、网目规格的网衣以及不同直径缆绳的绞拉力进行测试。结果显示:绞拉悬挂215.6 N的重物、水平缩结系数为0.26、0.50、0.71的网衣时,舷侧滚筒的绞拉力分别为173.47 N、163.27 N、151.02 N;对于相同水平缩结系数、悬挂215.6 N重物时的网衣,设定网衣包角为150°和180°,滚筒绞拉力分别为173.47 N、183.67 N;绞拉直径为10、16、26 mm并悬挂相同的重物的缆绳,较粗的缆绳滚筒绞拉力大。研究表明:网衣水平缩结系数、包角的变化以及缆绳粗细对舷侧滚筒的绞拉性能具有一定影响,舷侧滚筒橡胶沟槽的分布应与网片结节纵向分布位置相匹配,可增大滚筒的绞拉力。
Wring tension characteristics of fishing vessel’s side power roller
JIANG Tao1, 2, XU Zhong-wei1, 2, WANG Zhi-yong1,2, XU Zhi-qiang1, 2
( Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China; Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: In order to reveal the wringing performance of fishing vessel’s side power roller to the nets and cables, we use XCGTs-I side power roller to test the wring tension of nets with different horizontal hanging ratio, wrapping angle and specifications, and ropes with different diameter. The results show that, when we wring the nets hanging a 215.6 N weight with the horizontal hanging ratio of 0.26, 0.50, 0.71, the wring tension of side power roller are 173.47 N, 163.27 N and 151.02 N, respectively. When we wring the nets hanging a 215.6 N weight with the same horizontal hanging ratio but different wrapping angle of 150° and 180°, the wring tension of side power roller are 173.47 N and 183.67 N. When we wring the same weight with ropes of diameters of 10, 16, 26 mm, we find that the rope with wide diameter results high wring tension.This study suggest that the variation of net’s horizontal hanging ratio, wrapping angle and rope diameter can influence side power roller’s wringing performance. In order to increase the wring tension of side power roller, the distribution of rubber groove of side power roller should be matched with the longitudinal distribution of net knots.
Key words: side power roller; drag-and-drop force; horizontal hanging ratio; wrapping angle; rope diameter
作者简介:江涛(1969—),男,副研究员,主要从事海洋渔业工程装备技术研究。E-mail: jiangtao@fmiri.ac.cn