单建军,张成林,管崇武,宋红桥,吴 凡,宋奔奔,庄保陆
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要:为高效净化革胡子鲶鱼(Silurusasotus)高密度养殖排放的废水,研究了间歇式活性污泥(SBR)技术在不同运行模式下对养殖废水处理效果的影响并确定最优工况。以TAN、TN和COD的去除率为研究指标,设置了不同的厌氧搅拌时间和曝气时间两个变量,通过调节变量时间长短来确定试验装置处理试验水体的最优工况。结果表明,厌氧搅拌时间和曝气时间的增加均可提高TAN等的去除率,但以0~2 h的阶段反应速率最快,具备显著性差异水平(P<0.05),而后随变量时间增加,去除率相应增大,但效果不明显(P>0.05);最优工况为:快速进水-厌氧搅拌2 h-曝气6 h-沉淀、排水2 h,运行周期10 h,此工况下的出水TAN、TN和COD质量浓度和去除率分别为(12.2±0.9)mg/L、(34.6±1.1)mg/L、(71±2.1)mg/L和(71.6±4.7) %、(40.3±3.6) %、(67.7±5.1)%。
Study sequencing batch reactor on effluent treatment of
high density silurusasotus aquaculture
SHAN Jianjun, ZHANG Chenglin, GUAN Chongwu, SONG Hongqiao, WU Fan, SONG Benben,ZHUNAG Baolu
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: For the purpose of purifying the water of Silurusasotus aquaculture in high density efficiently, the effect of SBR technology in various operation modes on treatment of water quality was studied and the optimal conditions were determined. In this paper, different anaerobic stirring time and aeration time were designed, with the removal rate of TAN, TN and COD as the research indexes. The results showed that both the anaerobic stirring time and aeration time could increase the removal rate of TAN and the fastest reaction rate happened in the stage of 0 -2 h(P<0.05). After 2 hours, the removal efficiency also increase, but the difference is not significant(P>0.05). The optimal operating method was under the condition of flooding water rapidly, stirring anaerobic for 2 hours, aerating for 6 hours, subsiding and draining the water for 2hours and operating for the period of 10 hours, in which the mass concentration of TAN, TN and COD were respectively(12.2±0.9) mg/L, (34.6±1.1) mg/L and (71±2.1) mg/L, and the removal rate of them were (71.6±4.7)%, (40.3±3.6)% and (67.7±5.1)%,respectively.
Key words:SBR technology, Silurusasotus; aquaculture effluent, water treatment;anaerobic stirring time ;aeration time