翁仕强,潘迎捷,赵 勇,卢 瑛
(上海海洋大学食品学院,上海 201306)
Application of nanotechnology for rapid detection in food safety
WENG shi-qiang, PAN ying-jie, ZHAO yong, LU ying
( College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China )
Abstract: Nanotechnology is an integrative field having strong interlacement with other research fields. Its research area involves a lot of fields of modern technology. One of nanotechnology, magnetic separation technology now has been widely applied into the rapid separation, purification and detection fields of biological medicine because of simple operation and high efficiency. In recent years, Rapid detection methods based on magnetic separation technology has been rapidly developed. This paper introduced the application progress of magnetic separation in rapid detection of food safety, mainly focused on the application researches of rapid separation, enrichment and detection.
Key words: Nanotechnology; Magnetic separation technology; food safety; rapid detection; rapid enrichment
通讯作者:卢瑛(1971—),女,讲师,上海交通大学微纳科学技术研究院博士后,东京海洋大学食品科学专业理学博士,研究方向:食品生物技术,纳米生物技术。E-mail: y-lu@shou.edu.cn
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2009,36(3),56-59)