张祝利,王 君
中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘 要:渔船装备老化是导致捕捞业高能耗的主因之一,将节能型渔船柴油机纳入国家农机购置补贴范围,鼓励渔民采用先进的渔船柴油机更换目前的老旧主机,对于推动我国渔业节能减排进程、实现渔业低碳经济和渔民节本增效,效果将十分显著。本文根据当前国家农机补贴的政策规定、实施情况及渔船装备应用现状等进行分析,探讨节能型渔船用柴油机产品纳入农机补贴的可行性。
Discussion of the feasibility of taking energy-saving boat diesel into range of state subsidies of agricultural machinery
ZHANG Zhu-li ,Wang Jun
(1 The National Supvision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument, shanghai 200092,China;
2 Key laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering , Ministry of Agriculture, shanghai 200092,China;
3 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute , Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: The equipment’s aging , which are on the fishers, is the major factor of high energy expenditure in fishing industry. It will take great effect to promoting energy conservation and achieving a low carbon economy, costing increase efficiency if we take the energy-saving boat diesel into the range of state subsidies of agricultural machinery and encourage fisherfolk to change old machine to advanced machine. The article analyzed the policy of state subsidies of agricultural machinery, the implementation , the actuality of the equipments on the fishing boats and discussed the feasibility of taking the energy-saving boat diesel into the range of state subsidies of agricultural machinery.
Key words: energy-saving boat diesel; state subsidies of agricultural machinery; feasibility