冯 波1,2 卢伙胜1,2 王学锋1,2
(1.广东海洋大学水产学院,湛江,524088; 2.广东海洋大学南海渔业资源监测与评估中心,湛江,524025)
摘 要:根据1990~2001中西太平洋海域(140°E~170°E、10°S~5°N)金枪鱼围网鲣鱼作业产量和作业次数,结合不同水层(0m、12. 5 m、237. 5 m和287. 5 m)的水温数据,统计4个不同水层的适渔温度范围。以2007年生产数据验证和比较不同水层适温区域组合预报渔场的效果。结果表明:0m、12. 5 m、237. 5 m、287. 5 m的适温分别为28.0~30.5℃、28.0~30.5℃、12.5~18.0℃和10.5~14.5℃。237. 5 m、287. 5 m适温区域组合预报渔场的综合得分最高,平均渔获产量比重达74.68%,渔获频率达76.38%,渔场搜索面积缩小了57.16%。在提高渔获概率和减少渔场搜索面积方面取得了最好的平衡,是一种直观可行的办法。
Validation of fishing ground forecast for tuna purse seine fishery
in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean by water temperature
FENG Bo 1,2, LU Huo-sheng 1,2, WANG Xue-feng 1,2
(1 Fisheries college, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524088;
2 Fishery Resource Monitoring and Assessment Center of South China Sea, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524025)
Abstract: According to the catch data and fishing times of skip jack in the purse seine fishery in the Western-central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) (140°E-170°E、10°S-5°N) , and the environment data of different water layer temperature (0m, 12.5 m, 237.5 m,287.5 m), appropriate temperature range was calculated by water layer for fishing. Production data in 2007 was used to validate fishing ground forecast by combination of appropriate temperature area in different water layers. It showed that appropriate temperature range in 0m, 12.5 m, 237.5 m, 287.5 m was 28.0-30.5℃, 28.0-30.5℃, 12.5-18.0℃ and10.5-14.5℃, respectively. Fishing ground forecast score was the best by combination of appropriate temperature area in 237.5 m and 2 87.5 m water layer, which made catch ratio and fishing frequency reach 74.68% and 77.19% , decreased searching area by 57.16%. It was proved to be a balance between catching rate and searching area.
Key words: tuna purse seine fishery; fishing ground forecast; WCPO;water temperature
基金项目:中国水产集团总公司“中西太平洋金枪鱼围网研究”项目 ( 0710043)
作者简介:冯波(1977-),男,江苏宜兴人,博士,讲师,主要从事海洋渔业开发与保护研究 E-mail: fengb@gdou.edu.cn
通讯作者:卢伙胜 E-mail:luhs@gdou.edu.cn