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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2008-02-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】




The development of pondculture industry around the Hong Kong Deep Bay and its sustainable development

LAU Shiu-keung, Tobi
(World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong, HKSAR, China)

Abstract: Since the 1940s, the Deep Bay has been a pond-culture center in Hong Kong. Although continuous improvements in management effectiveness and product quality of the pond-culture industry has been witnessed in the past decades, the industry has yet to reach modernized productivity levels. In the mid-1990s, the industry saw a decline due to a combination of various factors, While the same time, the Hong Kong Government then designated certain commercial fishponds around the Deep Bay as a “wise use” area to recognize the importance of fishponds to wildlife biodiversity and fish farmers' livelihood. In response to such opportunities, WWF Hong Kong started collaborating with fish farmers to co-manage the fishponds. Through management agreements, WWF Hong Kong hopes that the “Eco-fish” pond-culture management concept can help strike a balance between conservation and the social and economic needs of the society so as to encourage fishponds to be managed in a sustainable manner.

Key words: pond-culture industry; pond fish farmer; wise use zone; management agreement; eco-fish culture; sustainable development; wetland conservation





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