张建华,梁 澄,丁建乐
(中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要:本文概要介绍了挪威海洋捕捞业和渔船管理状况:2011年,捕捞量230万t,产值159亿挪威克朗(约26.8亿美元);渔民数量12 791人,渔船数量6 252艘;近10年的捕捞量基本稳定,年均捕捞量为250万t,与此同时,渔船和渔民数量则呈持续下降态势,说明挪威渔船的捕捞能力显著增强,捕捞效率明显提升。挪威的渔业管理制度和法规建设比较完善,这为控制捕捞强度、保护海洋渔业资源奠定了法律基础。挪威的经验具有借鉴意义。我国现阶段以实行渔船控制等投入控制制度为主、其他管理方式为辅的渔业资源管理制度,比较符合我国实际。实践证明,减船转产政策是控制捕捞渔船规模和降低海洋捕捞强度行之有效的措施之一。
Overview of Norwegian marine fishing and fishing vessel management
ZHANG Jian-hua,LIANG Cheng,DING Jian-le
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: This paper briefly introduced the status of Norwegian marine fishing industry and fishing vessel management: its fish catches reached to 230 million tons, production value went up to NOK 15.9 billion (about USD 2.68 billion), the fishing population and the number of fishing vessel were around 12 791 and 6 252, respectively in 2011. In the past 10 years, the fish catches generally maintained stability, and the average yearly catches were around 250 million tons, while the number of fishing vessel and the fishing population showed a gradual decrease. This indicates that Norwegian fishing vessel enhanced the fishing capacity greatly, and the fishing efficiency improved significantly. Norway has so perfect fisheries management systems and regulations as to establish the legal basis for controlling fishing intensity and preserving marine fishery resources. At the present stage, our fisheries resources management system mainly implement the input control system such as fishing vessel number control, supplemented by other management methods. This is consistent with the reality of our country. Practice has proved that the policy, which cuts down fishing vessel number and changes careers, is one of the effective measures to control fishing vessel scale and decrease marine fishing intensity.
Keywords: Norwegian fishery; Norwegian fishing vessel; fishing vessel management; management regulation
作者简介:张建华(1956—)男,高级工程师,主要从事渔业装备工程信息研究与期刊编辑。E-mail: zhangjianhua@fmiri.ac.cn