郑丹辉 李新春
(中山大学管理学院,广东 广州 510275)
摘 要:我国对虾产业在全球对虾的生产贸易中占有重要的地位,但随着绿色经济新形势的不断发展,对虾产业发展也面临不少突出的问题。在绿色经济相关文献综述的基础上,本文探讨了中国对虾产业链的问题及其相应的对策建议,并指出中国对虾产业要突破多维困境、实现可持续发展,必须走组织化、科学化、集约化和效益化的绿色发展道路。
Analysis on Chinese shrimp industrial chain from
green economy perspective
ZHENG Dan-hui, LI Xin-chun
( Sun Yat-Sen Business School, Guangzhou Guangdong 510275, China )
Abstract: The shrimp industry in China plays an important role in the global production and trade of shrimp. However, lots of crucial problems will emerge as the new situation of green economy goes by. Based on the review of literatures about green economy, this paper attempts to articulate the main problems and further bring forward some corresponding suggestions for Chinese shrimp industrial chain. Finally, this article points out that the development of Chinese shrimp industry must persist in a green path which continue to act in organized, scientific, intensive and effective pattern, only in this way can Chinese shrimp industry break through multiple morasses and realize the sustainable development.
Key words: green economy; shrimp; industry chain
作者简介:郑丹辉(1985—),男,中山大学管理学院博士研究生,农业部虾产业技术体系产业经济岗位研究员。E-mail: sysudanhui@gmail.com
通讯作者:李新春(1962—),男,中山大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,农业部虾产业技术体系产业经济岗位专家。E-mail: mnslxc@mail.sysu.edu.cn