(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,国家渔业机械仪器质量监督检验中心,上海 200092)
摘要:渔船救生衣作为渔船用主要个人救生设备,是海难事故后渔民最直接、最迅速的自救工具,国内外船舶法规均对渔船救生衣的配备有着相应的要求。通过比对各项国内外船舶法规,分析国内外救生衣技术标准,结合我国海洋捕捞渔船的救生衣配备及应用现状,提出我国渔船救生衣配备存在的问题;同时试验比较渔船救生衣以及工作救生衣的性能差异,区分两者应用差异。针对我国渔船法规修改救生衣配备要求提出建议:在船长45 m以上大型渔船及国际航行渔船需配备船用救生衣,45 m以下近海航行渔船可允许近海作业用救生衣替代船用救生衣等。
The study and recommendations on the requirements of rules and regulations for life jackets on fishing vessels
HE Yaping , WANG Yiqing
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai; the National Supervision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: As important individual lifesaving equipment on fishing vessels and direct and rapid lifesaving tool for fishermen after marine casualties, the allocation of life jackets is required in domestic and international shipping regulations. Through the comparison between the domestic and international shipping regulations, analysing the domestic and international technical standards for lifejackets, and based on the allocation and application status of lifejackets on fishing vessels in China, the problems about the allocation of life jackets on fishing vessels were put forward in this paper. And the performance difference and application between ship lifejackets and working lifejackets were studied through the trials. In the last, some suggestion on shipping regulations about revising the requirements allocation, such as large fishing vessel with the size of more than 45m and international sailing fishing vessels should provide ship lifejackets, offshore fishing vessels less than 45m are allowed to provide the working life jackets instead of ship lifejackets, etc.
Keywords: lifejackets; work lifejacket; rules and regulations; suggestion