(中国水产科学研究院,北京 100141)
Analysis on renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels in China
JIANG Bingguo, YANG Zijiang
(Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100141, China)
Abstract: The backward of marine fishing vessels has become a factor restricting the development of marine fishery and marine power in China. Speed up the renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels, improve the level of marine fishing vessels, solve the problems of the development of marine fishery. The principles of the renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels include four aspects: safety in production, protection of marine fishery resources, fisherman's income-increase and exploitation of deep sea fishery resources. The renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels has four ways: dismantling illegal fishing vessels, reducing the number of offshore fishing vessels, modernization restructuring of large fishing vessels and deep sea fishing vessels. The difficulties of the renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels include four aspects: changing production and industry, illegal fishing vessels, money and technology, policy restriction. We will take a variety of measures to speed up the renewal and modernization of marine fishing vessels, such as financial input, scientific and technological support, policy Support.
Key words: marine fishing vessels; fishing vessels and equipment; renewal and modernization of fishing vessels