( 1 上海水产大学生命科学与技术学院,上海 200090;2 广东海洋大学水产学院,湛江 524025)
摘要:为了建立观赏海藻大规模微繁技术,研究了温度和盐度对台湾锯齿藻(Prionitis formosana)和海木耳藻(Sarcodia montagneana)生长及叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明,在实验范围内,台湾锯齿藻在35 ℃的条件下死亡,5~15 ℃藻体负生长,适宜生长温度为20~25 ℃;盐度为22条件下生长正常,其余盐度下均生长不良;叶绿素含量在25 ℃和盐度22时达到最高。海木耳藻在5 ℃与35 ℃时出现死亡,5~15 ℃时负生长,适宜生长温度为25~30 ℃;最适生长盐度为10,其余盐度下均有不同程度的生长,并且随着温度的增加生长率下降;叶绿素含量在30 ℃和盐度10时达到最高。
Effects of temperature and salinity on growth of two ornamental seaweeds
HE Wen-hui1, WANG Lan-gang1, ZHAO Su-fen 1,2, ZHANG Mei-qiong1, ZHANG Yin-jiang 1, HE Pei-min 1
( 1 Life Science and Technology College, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, China; 2 Fisheries College of Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China )
Abstract: To establishing the ornamental seaweed micropropagation technology, the effects of temperature and salinity on the growth rate and chlorophyll content of two ornamental seaweeds Prionitis formosana and Sarcodia montagneana was studied. The results showed that the suitable temperature range for the growth of Prionitis formosana was 20~25 ℃, and the optimum salinity was 22, and as for the growth of Sarcodia montagneana, the suitable temperature range and the optimum salinity were 25~30 ℃ and 22 respectively. Prionitis formosana would die when they were cultured at 35 ℃, and presented negative growth at between 5 ℃ and 15 ℃. Sarcodia montagneana would die at 5 ℃ and 35 ℃ respectively, and also presented the same negative growth temperature between 5 ℃ and 15 ℃. The chlorophyll content in Prionitis formosana blades reached the maximum when they were cultured at 25 ℃ and 22 salinity, while the chlorophyll content in Sarcodia montagneana blades reached the maximum when they were cultured at 30 ℃ and 10 salinity.
Key words: ornamental seaweeds; Prionitis formosana; Sarcodia montagneana; growth rate; chlorophyll; temperature; salinity
作者简介:何文辉(1971—),男,副教授,主要从事水产养殖与观赏海藻生物技术的研究。E-mail: whhe@shfu.edu.cn
通讯作者:何培民(1959—),男,教授,研究方向:海藻生物技术与生态修复。Tel: 021-65710023, E-mail: pmhe@shfu.edu.cn
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),36-40)