林国文,陈成进,陈 慧,谢书秋,陈 武
(福建省闽东水产研究所,宁德 352100)
摘要:宁德三都澳海区褐菖鲉(Sebasticus marmoratus Cuvier)经375 d不同方式的网箱养殖比较,与大黄鱼混养的褐菖鲉个体平均体重增重量达80.9 g,成活率72.8%;单养Ⅱ网箱底部投放石莼等活体藻类,褐菖鲉个体增重量为71.0 g,成活率72.5%;单养Ⅰ只放养褐菖鲉,个体增重量为61.6 g,成活率67.1%。生长速度和成活率:混养>单养Ⅱ>单养Ⅰ,可知褐菖鲉与大鱼混养效果最好。水温高于26 ℃,褐菖鲉极易死亡,采取网箱底部投放大型活体藻类、不投饵或少投饵、不更换网衣等度夏措施是养殖成功的关键。
Preliminary study on the sea cage culture of rock fish (Sebasticus marmoratus Cuvier)
LIN Guo-wen, CHEN Cheng-jin, CHEN Hui, XIE Shu-qiu, CHEN Wu
(Mindong Fisheries Research Institute, Ningde 352100, China)
Abstract: A preliminary research was carried out on the common marine economic fish (Sebasticus marmoratus Cuvier) at Sandu’ao bay of Ningde in Fujian Province. Comparison of survial and growth in rock fish with different experiment for 375 days with the feed modulus of 3.9, during which time one group was a polyculture with rock fish and large yellow croaker , another two groups were monoculture. The results show that the average weight gain was 80.9 g in polyculture group, and the survial rate was 72.8%. The first group of monoculture with the average weight increased to 61.6 g,and a survival rate of 67.1%. The weight gain per fish in the second group of monoculture was 71.0 g, with a survival rate of 72.5%. Obviously,compared to monoculture there were notable effects on the growth and survival in polyculture with rock fish and large yellow croaker. For the fish has a high mortality rate when the water temperature was over 26 ℃, the sticking point was to take effective measure to raise the survival rate during the summer.
Key word: Sebasticus marmoratus; sea net cage; monoculture; polyculure; during summer
作者简介:林国文(1965—),男,高级工程师,主要从事海水增养殖研究。E-mail: nd2099609@163.com