蒲利云,陈傅晓,曾关琼,谭 围,隋 曌
(海南省水产研究所,海南 海口 570206)
摘 要:利用室外水泥池进行古蚶(Anadara antiquata)亲贝不同密度的催熟培育,经过44 d的培育,均获得生长良好、性腺成熟的亲贝。通过比较发现,20个/m3的培育密度效果最佳。且采用了阴干、藻液、温度、精液和流水刺激的方法诱导亲贝排放精卵,比较不同催产诱导方法,结果显示,采用阴干刺激2 h + 藻液刺激1 h + 精液刺激结合诱导的效果最佳。
Mature acceleration and spawning inducement of parent oyster
of Anadara antiquate in outdoor tank
PU Li-Yun, CHEN Fu-X iao, ZENG Guan-Qiong, TAN Wei, SUI Zhao
( Hainan Fishery Institute, Haikou 570206, China )
Abstract: In this study, parent oysters of different population density were cultured for 44 days in the outdoor concrete ponds. With obtain parent oyster of well-grown and sexual maturity, we can find the best result is 20 per cubic metre. One or more following ways: shady stimulation, algae solution, temperature, low salinity and opposite sex product were used to induce gametes releasing. The results showed which the best for the shady stimulation 2 h + algae solution stimulation 1 h + opposite sex product inducement.
Key words: Anadara antiquate; parent oyster; mature acceleration; spawning inducement
作者简介:蒲利云(1981—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事贝类繁殖研究。E-mail: puliyun@163.com
通讯作者:陈傅晓(1971—),男,工程师,主要从事水产增养殖研究。E-mail: cfx69@163.com