(1 哈尔滨市农产品质量安全检验检测中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨150070;
2 哈尔滨市农业科学院水产研究分院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150078)
摘要:研究了体重、水温、盐度、pH、光周期和体色对丁鱥(Tinca tinca)幼鱼耗氧率的影响。结果表明:在水温(20±0.5)℃下,丁鱥 [体重(126.9~151.6) g,体长(21.71~22.64) cm] 的耗氧率有明显的昼夜节律性,一昼夜出现两个耗氧高峰,分别在6:00和18:00;耗氧率(Y)与体重(W)呈负相关,关系式为:Y = 0.6807 W-0.3034(r = -0.9983);耗氧量(Yˊ)与体重呈正相关,关系式为:Yˊ= 0.6787W 0.697(r = 0.9995)。在(15~30)℃水温范围内,耗氧率(Y)随着水温(T)的上升而增大,关系式为:Y= 0.106T0.4688 (r = 0.9943)。盐度升高(0~9),耗氧率先升高后降低。耗氧率随着pH值(6.0~9.0)的升高而降低。体色和光周期对丁鱥耗氧率有显著的影响(P<0.05)。
The study on oxygen consumption rate in juvenile tench ( Tinca tinca )
XU Lian-wei,DONG Hong-wei,GUO Wei-shi
(1.Harbin Determination Institute for Quality and Safety of Agriculture, Harbin Heilongjiang 150070, China;
(2.Fishery Research Bureau of Harbin Farming Research Institute, Harbin Heilongjiang 150078, China)
Abstract:The effects of weight, temperature, salinity, pH, body color and photoperiod on oxygen consumption rate were studied at (20±0.5)℃ in this paper, with juvenile tench Tinca tinca samples of (126.9~151.6)g body weight and (21.7~22.6)cm body length. The results showed that diurnal rhythm of the consumption was observed in the experiment, the two oxygen consumption peaks occurred at nearly 6:00 and 18:00. The oxygen consumption (Yˊ) increased with body weight (W) increasing, while the oxygen consumption rate (Y) decreased with the body weight increasing, the correlation formulas was Yˊ= 0.6787W 0.697(r = 0.9995)and Y = 0.6807 W-0.3034(r = -0.9983).And the oxygen consumption and the oxygen consumption rate (Y) raised with the increase of water temperature (T) from 15℃to 30℃ (the correlation formulas was Y= 0.106T0.4688 ,r = 0.9943)and decreased with the increase of pH from 6.0 to 9.0. When salinity changed from 0 to 9, the oxygen consumption rate raised in the beginning then decreased. And the oxygen consumption rate was effected by body color and photoperiod significantly(P<0.05).
Key words: tench; oxygen consumption; oxygen consumption rate
作者简介:徐连伟(1980—),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事水产研发检测。 Email: xulianwei-1980@163.com