(1 扬州市水产学会,扬州 225001;2 扬州市水产生产技术指导站,扬州 225101;
3 扬州大学动物科学与技术学院,扬州 225009;4 扬州思维捷机电有限公司,扬州 225008;
5 高邮市水产技术指导站,扬州 225600)
摘要:通过耕水机和叶轮式增氧机在罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)池塘养殖中使用效果的对比试验,分析了使用耕水机对罗氏沼虾养殖水体环境和养殖产出的影响。试验结果表明,耕水机使整个虾塘水体处于循环微流水状态,全面改善了养殖水体中溶氧分布,增加了虾塘中、下水层溶氧,保持了水体pH的稳定性,降低了水体中氨氮(NH4+-N)、硫化氢(H2S)等有毒有害物质含量,改善了底层水体和底质淤泥状况,为罗氏沼虾创造了良好的生长环境,增加了养殖产量,提高了经济效益,并且节能降耗效果明显。
The applicating effect of biofan to cultivate Macrobrachium rosenbergii
LI Rong-fu 1, YANG Xian-xiang 2, SUN Long-sheng 3, LIU Hai-ping 4, WU Zhi-qiang 5
( 1 Yangzhou Society of Fisheries, Yangzhou 225001, China; 2 Fisheries Technology Extension Station of Yangzhou,
Yangzhou 225101, China; 3 College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;
4 Yangzhou Siweijie Machinery and Electric Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225008, China;
5 Fisheries Technology Extension Station of Gaoyou, Yangzhou 225600, China )
Abstract: The contrast test about the application of biofan and paddle aerator in pond cultivation of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was presented to study the influence of improving aquaculture environment and aquaculture benefit. The results showed that the application of biofan could make the pond water circulating to increase dissolved oxygen in the middle and bottom of the pond water effectively. It also could maintain the stability of the pH value, reduce harmful substances of NH4+-N and H2S to improve water and sediment state in the bottom of pond water which provided suitable growth environment to improve the feeding rate and digestibility, so aquaculture production and economic benefits were raised. Meanwhile,the effect of energy saving and consumption reducing was obvious.
Key words: biofan; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; pond cultivation; dissolve oxygen (DO); water quality; benefit
作者简介:李荣福(1962—),男,高级工程师,主要从事渔业机械与水产养殖技术开发。E-mail: lrf62@163.com