门 涛1,张祝利1,2,顾海涛1,何雅萍2,王 君1,2
(1国家渔业机械仪器质量监督检验中心,上海 200092;2 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海 200092)
摘 要:为评价射流式增氧机性能,采用《SC/T 6009-1999增氧机增氧能力试验方法》标准,通过清水试验和养殖池塘试验,研究了射流式增氧机在清水试验中的增氧能力、动力效率以及实际养殖池塘试验中上下水层溶解氧变化。结果表明,射流式增氧机对于下层水体具有良好的增氧效果,能使1.5 m水深处溶氧值提高31.0%;利用产生的水流搅拌水体,使上下水层进行交换,避免水体溶氧含量分层分布,并且水体曝气也可改善水质。
Research on aerobic performance of jet aerator
Men Tao1,Zhang Zhuli1,2,Gu Haitao1,He Yaping2,Wang Jun1,2
(1.The national Supervision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument, Shanghai 200092, China;2. Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract:In order to evaluate aerobic performance of jet aerator, we tested the experiments both in laboratory and outdoor aquaculture pond following the standard "SC/T 6006-1999 Test methods of oxyen-enriche capacity for aerator " .We researched aerobic capacity, power efficiency in laboratory and the change of dissolved oxygen from top to bottom of water layers in pond. The results indicated that jet aerator has a good aerobic capacity for bottom water in pond. It would improve the dissolved oxygen to 31.0% in the water of 1.5m deep layer. Due to this intensive exchange, it avoided dissolved oxygen distribution stratified levels, and also aeration of the water improved water quality. The paper will provide a reference of using jet aerator in aquaculture pond.
Key words: jet aerator; dissolved oxygen; aerobic performance; power efficiency; aquaculture pond