(中国水产科学研究院渔业工程研究所,北京 100141)
The Analyst of Calculation Methods about Wind Loads on Fishing Ship
ZHANG Jian-qiao, SUN Yi-yan
(Fishery Engineering Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100141,China)
Abstract: It easy to take fishing ship capsized or anchor dragging under the wind loads and wave loads in windy weather. As one of the main loads, it is necessary to understand the different wind loads of the fishing vessel suffered at different wind speeds. This article analysis several domestic and foreign ship wind load calculation method about their characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of calculation applied to fishing vessels. Take 8154 fishing vessels as an illustration, used two methods of the above to calculate its wind loads. By comparing the results, it founds that the longitudinal force is closed, and there are some differences between the side force, needs further validation and research.
Key words: fishing ship; wind loads; Calculation Methods
作者简介:张建侨(1983- ),男,助理工程师,主要从渔港及渔场工程研究。E-mail: zhangjq@cafs.ac.cn