顾海涛1,何雅萍1,门 涛1,吴为国2
(1 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开发实验室,国家渔业机械仪器质量监督检验中心,
中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092;2 .浙江富地机械有限公司,浙江 台州 318058)
摘要:叶轮式增氧机具有增氧、搅拌和曝气等功能。通过对其近10年1.5 kW、3.0 kW两种型号的增氧能力和动力效率这两个主要性能指标每年的检测平均值进行统计,以及实际养殖池塘试验中上下水层溶解氧、水温变化的研究;结果表明,运转80 min左右,可使距增氧机10 m、1.5 m深处底层水体的溶解氧和水温与上层水体一致,从7.30 mg/L左右上升到8.7 6mg/L左右,每小时溶解氧增加值约为0.86 mg/h。总体上来看,近10年叶轮式增氧机的增氧能力和动力效率值呈下降趋势。
Study on aerobic performance of impeller aerator
GU Hai-tao1,HE Ya-ping1,MEN Tao1,WU Wei-guo2
(1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,The national Supervision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument; Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Futi machinery Co.,Ltd, Zhejiang,318058,China)
Abstract:Impeller aerator is a machine. It makes the air or “oxygen” dissolve quickly into the farming water by its motor and gearbox driving impeller. The result shows, if the impeller aerator runs 80 min, dissolved oxygen will raise from 7.30 mg/L to 8.76 mg/L, means increasing 0.86 mg per hour. The bottom and surface water temperature and dissolved oxygen are sameness, whether 1.0 m or 1.5 m away from the impeller aerator. As a whole, oxygen transfer capacity and oxygen transfer efficiency are both decline in the last decade from our test.
Keywords: impeller aerator; efficiency; performance