邬云鹏,虞聪达,臧迎亮,马家志,韩志刚,郑 基
(浙江海洋学院水产学院,浙江 舟山316022)
Analysis of the fishing gears and fishing methods
of beam trawl net in Zhoushan
WU Yunpeng ,YU Congda,ZANG Yingliang,MA Jiazhi,Han Zhigang,ZHENG Ji
(Fishery School of Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan Zhejiang 316022, China)
Abstract: The beam trawl fishing practices developed rapidly since the 1980s, mainly used for the development of coastal fishing ground’s shrimp resources. After brought in Zhoushan, the beam trawl fishery has rapidly become one of the main modes of fishery production. Through the field investigation during May-November 2013, the author investigated the fishing targets, structural features, operation-ways, etc. This paper points out the current problems in the beam trawl fishery :(1) The quantity and weight of by-product is 12.12% and 66.58% in total, respectively; (2) Illegal pulse-fishing operation still exist; (3)Mesh specifications generally less than the national standard. So on basis of those problems, some suggestion are raised:(1) Install the separator panel devices; (2) Improve the mesh configurations; (3) Intensify the law enforcements.
Key words: beam trawl net; fishing gears; fishing methods; analysis; Zhoushan