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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2015-07-06 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(吉林省水产科学研究院,吉林 长春 130033)

摘要:为满足淡水养殖网箱标准化、规范化要求,解决水产科研和生产的现实需要,研制了淡水组合式浮动网箱,其结构分为钢构双轨浮动式网箱架、聚乙烯材料网衣和锚固设备3部分,组成网箱的基本部件可自由拆分,并可按统一标准进行工业化生产。该浮动网箱分为单体箱和连体箱,内道式和外道式,基本规格分别为18 m×9 m×6 m和12 m×6 m×4 m,也可按需制作成其他规格。浮动网箱的研制,满足了现代化淡水网箱养殖对新型网箱的需求,对网箱养殖规范化具有重要作用。


Development of freshwater combination floating cage
XIONG Zhanshan,HU Guohong,ZHANG Jiasong,CHEN Weiqiang,MAO Ruixin
(Jilin Fisheries Research Institute Jilin, Changchun 130033, China)

Abstract: In order to meet the needs of freshwater cage aquaculture standardization, to solve the reality of scientific research and production of aquatic products, the author developed freshwater combination floating cage. Freshwater combination floating cage structure is composed of the double track, floating frame ,the polyethylene, net system and the mooring system. the basic components of cage can be freely detached, and industrial production by a uniform standard. Freshwater combination type cage is divided into single cage and connected cage, the inside line type and externalists type, basic specifications for 18 m(L)x 9m(W) x 6m(D), 12m(L) x 6m(W) x 4m(D), can also be made into other specifications as required. Development of freshwater combination floating cage, to solve the needs of new cage for modern freshwater cage aquaculture, plays an important role in the standardization of cage aquaculture.

Keywords: floating cage ; polyethylene net; anchoring equipment; freshwater aquaculture



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