倪 锦,傅润泽,沈 建
(中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,国家水产品加工装备研发分中心(上海),上海 200092)
摘要:针对当前市场对高值贝类保活运输的需求,研制了现代化的高值贝类保活运输车,可实现保活运输过程中对水温、溶氧和水质等关键存活参数的控制需求,保证优良的保活运输效果。高值贝类保活运输车采用冷却海水喷淋的保活方式,海水采用梯度降温模式,该保活运输车具有制冷、循环水喷淋、增氧、杀菌和水质净化等功能。结合保活运输车相关参数,综合评价了其保活环境控制性能,包括喷淋海水的温度、溶氧浓度及海水流率控制等。利用高值贝类保活运输车开展了保活运输鲍鱼的试验,并与传统的保活运输车进行了存活率和经济性能比较。试验结果表明,高值贝类保活运输车相比传统保活运输车,保活运输7 d,鲍鱼的平均存活率为96.57%,提高了0.76%;宁德往返大连运输120 t鲍鱼的年总费用降低了23.07%,具有较好的经济效益。
Development of live transportation vehicle for high-value shellfish and the application effect analysis of abalone
NI Jin, FU Runzhe, SHEN Jian
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
National R&D Branch Center for Aquatic Product Processing Equipment, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: In view of the current market demand for high-value shellfish live transportation, a modern high-value shellfish live transportation vehicle was developed, which could control major survival factors such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen and water quality so as to ensure good effect of live transportation. The high-value shellfish live transportation vehicle could spray cold seawater to keep high-value shellfish alive, and the seawater was cooled by gradient freezing model. The live transportation vehicle had cooling, recirculating seawater spray, oxygenation, sterilization, seawater purification and other functions. According to the relevant parameters of live transportation vehicle, its performance were evaluated which included the control of spray seawater’s temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, as well as flow rate. High-value shellfish live transportation vehicle was applied to transport abalone to test its performances, compared with traditional one in aspects of survival rate and economic performance. The results showed that compared to traditional one, seven days later, the average survival rate of abalone was 96.57%, increased by 0.76%, and the total round-trip annual cost of 120 tons of abalone from Ningde to Dalian decreased by 23.07% with good economic benefits.
Keywords: high-value shellfish; abalone; live; transportation vehicle