(1 浙江兴业集团有限公司,舟山316101;2 浙江海洋学院食品与药学学院,舟山 316004)
关键词: 鱿鱼;副产物;水产品;综合利用;鱼胶;软骨素
Progress in the development of squid by products comprehensive utilization
MA Yong-jun1, QIN Qian-an1, CHEN Xiao-e2, FANG Xu-bo2
( Zhoushan Industrial Co., Ltd, Zhoushan 316101, China; School of Food and Pharmacy, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316004, China )
Abstract: This paper reviewed comprehensive development and utilization of squid by product in the world. A series of biochemistry products such as collagen, fish oil, nucleic acid, enzyme, melanin, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid and protamine can be extracted from skin, viscera, cartilage, ink, eye and testis of squid. It was an important way to increase added values of sqiud by products. The application and development prospects of several squid by product were also discussed.
Key words: squid; by product; seafood, comprehensive utilization; fish collagen; chondroitin sulfate
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(4),62-65)