(1 中国上海海洋大学,上海 200090;2日本北海道大学水产学部,北海道函馆,日本041-8611)
Status and progress of zero emission of fishery industry in Japan
YUAN Chun-hong1,2, ZHAO Shan-zhen1, YU Ke-feng2
( 1 Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 200090 China;
2 Graduate school of fisheries science, Hokkaido University, Hakodate Japan 041-8611 )
Abstract:The zero emission concept represents a shift from the traditional industrial model. The aim of this article is that introduce the background of introductory of zero emission and the practice of fishery industry in Japan. Suffering the serious public environmental problems during the rapid economical development period, a great deal of efforts has been devoted to resolve these problems and gained a lot of experiences in Japan. Advanced physical and biological waste water treatment technologies have been employed in Japan fishery industry. Many new technologies for reuse of aquaculture offal and discards, such as shell, scallop intestine, squid ink sac and starfish, have been developed.
Key words: zero emission; fishery industry; waster water treatment; aquaculture offal and discards; reuse?
作者简介:袁春红(1974—),女,上海海洋大学讲师,博士,现在日本北海道大学水产学部从事水产品加工利用研究。E-mail: chyuan@fish.hokudai.ac.jp
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3),19-22)