吴小干,戴志远,王宏海,叶 婧,梁晶晶
(浙江工商大学食品与生物工程学院,杭州 310035)
摘要: 试验以鲟鱼皮为原料,通过试验确定了鲟鱼皮软包装冷冻调理食品的脱腥工艺、调料配方、灭菌条件,以及适于工业化生产的配方与工艺条件。筛选得出最佳脱腥工艺条件:碳酸氢钠1%,氯化钠1.8%,乙醇5%;最佳调味料配方:食盐2.5%,味精1.5%,白砂糖2.0%,黄酒2.5%,芝麻油3.0%;最佳灭菌条件:温度100 ℃,时间15 min。
关键词: 鲟鱼皮;脱腥工艺;调味;软罐头;冷冻调理食品
Processing technogy of flexible packaged frozen prepared food of sturgeon skin
WU Xiao-gan , DAI Zhi-yuan , WANG Hong-hai , YE Jing, LIANG Jing-jing
( College of Food Science and Biotechnology Engineering, ZheJiang Gongshang University,
HangZhou 310035, China )
Abstract: In this paper sturgeon skin was used as raw material and flexible packaging frozen prepared food processing technology of sturgeon skin was developed. Depdorization, seasoning formula, Sterilization condition and technology condition for industrialized production of flexible packaging frozen prepared food processing technology of sturgeon skin were determined. Technologies were as follows: 1% sodium bicarbonate, 1.8% sodium chloride and 5% alcohol; 2.5% salt, 1.5% monosodium glutamate, 2.0% white granulated sugar, 2.5% yellow wine and 3.0% gingeli; 100 ℃ and 15 min. The products in this condition are Nutrient-rich and delicious. The products are excellent in color, smell and taste and have high value in developing and promotion.
Key word: sturgeon skin; deodorization technology; seasoning; flexible packaging; frozen prepared food; soft package
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),50-52)