杨 涛,辛建美,徐 青,罗红宇
(浙江海洋学院食品与药学学院,舟山 316004)
摘要:以北太平洋鱿鱼加工废弃的边角料为原料,对低值水产蛋白资源组织化的挤压工艺进行初步研究。通过研究物料湿度、机筒温度和螺杆转速对挤出物组织化度和咀嚼度的影响,得出较好的挤压工艺条件。结果表明:随着物料湿度的增加,挤出物咀嚼度呈逐渐降低趋势,当物料湿度达到40%时,组织化度达1.41,组织化效果较好;随着机筒温度的增加,挤出物组织化度呈先增加后降低的趋势,咀嚼度则呈现相反变化趋势。当机筒温度达到140 ℃时,组织化效果和咀嚼度均较好;随着螺杆转速的增加,挤出物的组织化度和咀嚼度有增大的趋势,但当螺杆转速继续升高,其组织化度略有下降,而咀嚼度下降明显。单因素试验优选出的操作参数为:物料湿度40%~45%、机筒温度130~140 ℃、螺杆转速20~30 Hz。
Preliminary study on processing of texturized by extrusion
in low value North Pacific squid protein
YANG Tao, XIN Jian-mei, XU Qing, LUO Hong-yu
( Faculty of Food and Pharmacy, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316004, China )
Abstract: The waste scrap from the North Pacific squid processing as experimental material was carried out preliminary study on processing of texturized by extrusion in low value aquatic protein. Effect of several processing variables including feed moisture, barrel temperature, and screw speed on extrusion texture index and chewness was investigated. The results indicated that with the increasing food moisture, chewness are decrease gradually and the extrudates have the best texturizing degree 1.41 when the food moisture is at about 40%; With the increasing barrel temperature, extrusion texture index had a fluctuation change, increasing first and decreasing afterwards, while chewness showed the opposite trend. When barrel temperature reached 140 ℃, both extrusion texture index and chewness were good; With the increasing screw speed, there is increasing trend in extrusion texture index and chewness. However, when screw speed continued to rise, its extrusion texture index showed a slight decline, while the chewness decreased significantly. The optimal extrusion cooking conditions were obtained through single-factor experiments as follows: feed moisture 40%~45%, barrel temperature 130~140 ℃ and screw speed 20~30 Hz.
Key words: North Pacific squid; twin-screw extrusion; texturization