魏 静1,崔 峰2,张永进1,王 伟1,林 琳1,叶应旺1, 赖年悦3,姜绍通1,陆剑锋1,4
(1 合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009;2 安徽科技学院生命科学学院,安徽 凤阳 233100;
3 合肥市畜牧水产技术推广中心,安徽 合肥 231000;4 国家虾蟹类加工技术研发分中心,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:随着世界渔业的迅速发展,虾类食品的消费与贸易在国际水产品市场上占据着日益重要的地位。我国是世界上最大的虾类食品生产国,也是主要的虾类食品出口国,但与发达国家相比,目前我国的虾类食品生产和加工技术水平仍然较低,尤其是在虾类食品的保鲜、保藏技术方面。因此有必要对虾类食品的各种杀菌技术及其应用进行研究,并总结有效的保鲜、保藏方法。本文综述了传统保藏、化学和生物技术、低温保鲜、加热处理、气调保藏、物理杀菌技术等基于虾类食品的保鲜、保藏技术研究进展,为虾类食品的货架期延长提供一定的理论参考和实践依据。
Food preservation technology based on shrimp food
WEI Jing1, CUI Feng2, ZHANG Yongjin1, WANG Wei1, LIN Lin1, YE Yingwang1, JIANG Shaotong1, LAI Nianyue3, LU Jianfeng 1,4
(1 College of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
2 College of Life Science, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100, China;
3 Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Technology Promotion Center of Hefei, Hefei 231000, China;
4 National R & D Branch Center For Shrimp and Crab Processing, Hefei 230009, China )
Abstract: With the development of the fishing industry in the world, the consumption and trade of shrimp products in the international fish markets occupy an increasingly important position. China is one of the world's largest producer of shrimp products, also a major exporter of shrimp products, but the technical level of China's shrimp production and processing is lower than that of other developed countries, especially in food preservation technology based on shrimp food. Therefore, it's necessary to study the various sterilization technologies and their applications in shrimp food, summarize the effective preservation methods. In this paper, we summarized the progress of the shrimp fresh preservation technology, such as traditional preservation, chemical technology and biotechnology, low-temperature preservation, heat treatment, controlled atmosphere preservation, physical sterilization technologies, in order to provide a theoretical reference and practical basis to extend the shelf life of shrimp products.
Key words: shrimp products; shrimp food; sterilization techniques; preservation technology; shelf life