何 兰,曹 俊,郭休玉
(上海市水产研究所,上海 200433)
摘要:以罗非鱼鳞为原料,采用单因素实验法和回归分析,研究盐酸脱灰时间和提取明胶时的酸碱度(pH值)对明胶粘度、凝冻强度和出胶率的影响。回归分析结果表明:明胶的粘度、凝冻强度和出胶率随着盐酸脱灰时间的提胶pH的变化,呈现显著性差异(P<0.05),盐酸脱灰时间为3 h时粘度和凝冻强度最高,2 h时出胶率最高;当提胶pH值为7时,明胶的粘度最大,pH值为5时凝冻强度达到最高值,pH值2~4时,出胶率均达到20%。综合2因素多水平分析结果,盐酸脱灰前处理时间1~3 h,提胶pH值3~5 为宜。
Hydrochloric acid decalcification time and extraction pH affect the physical property of fish scale-derived gelatin
HE Lan, CAO Jun, GUO Xiuyu
( Shanghai Fisheries Research Institute, Shanghai 200433, China )
Abstract: The fish scale of tilapia taken as the raw material, we aim to analyze the effect of hydrochloric acid solution decalcification time and gel extraction pH on fish scale-derived gel viscosity, strength by single factor experiment. By using regression analysis, we found both gel viscosity , strength and productivity had significant difference (P<0.05) with extending HCl decalcification time and increasing pH value. Highest gel viscosity or gel strength could each be achieved at 3 hours and the best gel productivity could be attended at 2 hours after HCl treatment. The pH value of 5 is the best for gel strength while the value of 7 is the best for gel viscosity. The gel productivity is above 20% when the pH value between 2 to 4. According to the result 1-3 hours of HCl decalcification time and pH 3-5 may be suitable.
Key words: fish scales; gelatin; HCl decalcification time; pH; viscosity; gel strength; gel productivity
作者简介:何兰(1981— ),女,工程师,硕士,主要从事水产品精深加工研究。E-mail: grasshy@hotmail.com