李 敏1,关志强2,王秀芝1
(1广东海洋大学工程学院,广东湛江 524001;2 广东石油化工学院机电学院,广东茂名 525001)
摘要:为了充分利用热泵干燥装置的优势,以罗非鱼片为试验材料,研究了干燥温度、风速、物料厚度及形状等因素对罗非鱼片干燥特性的影响,获得了不同风速、不同厚度、不同温度条件下鱼片干燥曲线。结果表明,热泵干燥过程中各因素的合理匹配能有效提高罗非鱼片的干燥速度,强化热泵干燥的良好效果。不同厚度的鱼片只有找到匹配的温度和风速条件,才能使干燥阶段达到传热传质的平衡状态,在降低临界湿含量的同时维持后期的干燥速度,避免局部干缩而影响物料品质和外观。越薄的鱼片越易找到匹配的条件,厚3 mm鱼片更容易找到匹配的干燥条件。
Experimental study on drying tilapia fillets with heat pump device
LI Min1, GUAN Zhi-qiang2 ,WANG Xiu-zhi1
(1 Engineering College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524001, China;
2 Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maomimg 525001,China)
Abstract: In order to make full use of the advantage of heat pump drying unit and optimize the heat pump drying process, take the tilapia fillet as experimental material, this paper studied the drying temperature, wind speed, material thickness and shape on impact of the tilapia fillets drying characteristics. Obtained at different wind speeds, different thickness, under different temperature conditions fillets drying curves.The results showed that: it can effectively improve the drying rate of the tilapia fillets, and strengthen the good effect of heat pump drying if the various factors in the heat pump process match reasonably. The tilapia fillets of different thickness can make the drying stage to reach the balance of heat and mass transfer with the temperature and wind speed match. The matching conditions can reduce the critical moisture content, maintain later drying speed, avoid local drying shrinkage and influence material quality and appearance. And the thinner the fillet more easily find the matching conditions ,So 3 mm thick fillets can find more easily the matching dry conditions in this test.
Keywords: tilapia fillets; heat pump drying; moisture content