张军文1,江 涛1,邹海生2,言 伟2,张拥军2
(1 农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,上海200092;
2 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要: 目前舷侧起网滚筒间采用万向节联轴器的传动方式,联轴器中的鼓形齿轮存在结构复杂、制作成本高的问题,为此探索研究以类鼓形齿轮代替鼓形齿轮的可行性。利用WorkBench软件分别对鼓形齿轮和类鼓形齿轮,在相同载荷条件下,针对不同轴线交错角(δ)状态下的接触应力和应变进行了仿真。结果显示,当δ在0~2°时,舷侧滚筒仍能正常可靠地工作,没有出现棱边挤压现象,侧滚筒的传动结构中可以用类鼓形齿轮替代鼓形齿轮。同时还研究了位移圆半径对接触应力的影响,对于同一型号的类鼓形齿轮而言,随着位移圆半径的增大,外齿圈和类鼓形齿轮的应力都随之减小,而类鼓形齿面的接触应力也随之减小。研究表明,使用类鼓形齿轮(位移圆半径0.072 m),其工作性能和起网效果都达到了设计要求。
Parameterization and Finite Element Analysis For drum gear during hauling roller
ZHANG Junwen1, JIANG Tao1, ZOU Haisheng2, YAN Wei2, ZHANG Yongjun2
(1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China;
2 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: At present the transmission mode adopts universal couplings during hauling roller, while the structure of drum gear in couplings is complex and manufacturing cost is high. In order to study the feasibility of kind of drum gear instead of traditional drum gear, this paper used the workbench software to compare the kind of drum gear and traditional drum gear. Under the same load and different axis intersection the angle (δ), contact stress and strain were simulated and analyzed. The results showed: when the δ was at 0~2°, side drum could still work reliably, and there was no edge extrusion phenomenon. It indicated that the kind of drum gear could be used in transmission structure of side power roller to take place of drum gear. Meanwhile, the effect of displacement radius on the contact stress was studied. The kind of drum gear with the same type, and as the increase of displacement radius, stress of the outer gear ring and the kind of drum gear both decreased, while the contact stress of the tooth surface of the kind of drum decreased as well. In practical trial, the performance and harvesting effect of the kind of drum gear with displacement radius R of 0.072 m both met the design requirements.
Key Words: kind of drum gear; displacement radius; finite element analysis; stress and strain