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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2014-07-10 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

 关志强1,康 彦2,李 敏1,吴宝川2
(1 广东海洋大学工程学院,广东 湛江,524088;
2 广东海洋大学食品科技学院,广东 湛江,524088)

摘要:为考察抗冻剂的添加对冻藏罗非鱼片品质的影响,寻找冻藏罗非鱼的最佳抗冻剂组合,以盐溶性蛋白、Ca2+-ATPase 活性、质构特性3个指标进行单因素试验获得抗冻剂添加范围,使用Box-Behnken 试验设计和响应面分析法对精选的抗冻剂进行了筛选和优化匹配,以上述3个指标的综合评分值为响应值获得抗冻剂的最佳配比:4%乳酸钠,2.1%海藻糖,3.2%山梨醇,4%蔗糖。结果显示,在冻藏罗非鱼中添加最优配方的抗冻剂后,盐溶性蛋白含量为84.30 mg/g,质构加权9.1,Ca2+-ATPase 活性为3.82 μmol Pi/(mg prot•h),加权平均值为29.7,与无添加的对照组21.92相比提高了36.67%,由试验拟合模型最优解为29.96,与试验值29.7符合得较好。结果表明,最优配方的抗冻剂可以有效改善冻藏罗非鱼的综合品质,为罗非鱼冻藏保护提供了可靠的参考依据。


The optimization of cryoprotectant formula in Tilapia frozen storage process
by response surface method

GUAN Zhiqiang1,KANG Yan2,LI Min1,WU Baochuan2
(1 Guangdong Ocean University College of Engineer, Guangdong Zhanjiang 524088,China
2 Guangdong Ocean University College of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Zhanjiang 524088, China)

Abstract: In order to examine the influence of cryoprotectant on the quality of frozen tilapia, find the best combination. We got the range of four cryoprotectants with salt soluble protein content, Ca2+-ATPase activity and the organization structure as indexes. The best proportion of cryoprotectant formula was achieved by using the Box-Behnken experimental design and response surface analysis on the basis of single factor experiments. The best ratio was that sodium lactate 4%, trehalose 2.1%, sorbitol 3.2% and sucrose 4%. The validation of the response results of the comprehensive score with the three indicators is that the comprehensive score value for control group was 21.92, the content of the soluble protein was 84.30mg/g, the Ca2+-ATPase activity was 3.82μmol Pi/(mg prot•h), the texture integrated value was 9.10, and the integrated value was 29.7, which had good compliance with the fitting model optimal solution. The integrated quality of the frozen Tilapia could be improved with the formula according to this test, and it can provide a reliable reference for frozen tilapia protection.

Key words: Tilapia;frozen;cryoprotectant;response surface analysis




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