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作者:郭根喜(1956—),男,研究员,研究方向:渔业设施工程。E-mail: scsggx@21cn.com    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2009-09-16 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

黄小华,郭根喜,胡  昱,陶启友
(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广州 510300)

摘要:针对深水网箱特殊的工作环境,依据高速水流驱动叶轮旋转的工作原理,研制出一种用于养殖网箱的便携式水下网衣清洗装置。根据驱动叶轮的结构形式以及设计参数,基于动量定理及力矩平衡方程,对洗网装置的动力参数进行了理论计算,得到的喷嘴出口流速值为50.04 m/s,水流对叶轮的冲击力为28.56 N。在此基础上,结合能量方程,确定出所需工作泵的相关性能参数分别为流量37.71 L/min、压力2.9 MPa、功率2.95 kW。试验测试结果表明,在工作泵选型满足工作压力条件下,该装置的综合性能达到了设计要求。


Research on designing light-mobile underwater net-washing equipment
HUANG Xiao-hua, GUO Gen-xi, HU Yu, TAO Qi-you
( South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Guangzhou 510300, China )

Abstract: Taking into consideration the special working conditions of deep-water sea cages, based on the working principle of the impeller rotation driven by the high-velocity flow, a portable underwater net-washing equipment is designed for aquaculture cages. According to the structure forms and design parameters of driving impeller coupled with the momentum theorem and the torque equilibrium equation, the paper theoretically calculates the dynamic parameters of the net-washing equipment. The calculated results of nozzle exit velocity and the impact force of the impeller given by the high-velocity flow are 50.04 m/s and 28.56 N, respectively. Furthermore, the performance parameters such as pressure and required power are ascertained on the basis of the energy equation. the data are as follows: capacity 37.71 L/min, working pressure 2.9 MPa, power 2.95 kW. The testing results show that composite performances of the underwater net-washing equipment has reached the design requirement when the selected working pump satisfy the condition of working pressure.

Key words: net-washing equipment; design and calculation; impeller; deep-water sea cages


作者简介:黄小华(1982—),男,研究实习员,从事渔业设施工程技术与装备研究。E-mail: huangx-hua@163.com

通讯作者:郭根喜(1956—),男,研究员,研究方向:渔业设施工程。E-mail: scsggx@21cn.com

                                           (《渔业现代化》 2009,36(3),49-52)






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