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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2011-11-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

赵建平1 王学义1 魏广东2
(1 黄海造船有限公司,山东 264309;2 中国水产科学研究院,北京 100021)


Key technology of frequency conversion power supply for fishing ships
ZHAO Jian-ping 1, WANG Xue-yi 1, WEI Guang-dong 2
(1 Huanghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Shandong Province 264309, China;
2 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing, 100021, China)

Abstract: This thesis mainly introduces the frequency conversion power supply technology for fishing ships developed by Huanghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. with regard to the present situation of traditional fishing ships’ power system, and research and application of frequency conversion power supply technology for fishing ships as well as discussion of its energy saving working principle. This technology adopts the design of electromechanical integration by using hydraulic speed increasing gearbox, main engine and shaft generator, and creates a whole new redevelopment of traditional fishing ships’ power system with additional mature frequency conversion technology for the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction. It’s proved after actual test and application on board of ship that the performance of propulsion and power system is steady and there is an obvious effect of fuel saving, and each technical indicator has fulfilled the design requirements. It’s recommended being applied extensively.
Key words: frequency conversion technology; fishing ship; power supply technology; energy saving and lower consumption





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