熊瑛, 仲霞铭, 汤建华, 吴磊, 高银生, 吴福权, 施金金, 王燕平, 王储庆
(江苏省海洋水产研究所, 江苏 南通 226007)
摘要:2014年5—7月于江苏吕泗近岸和如东近岸海域开展延绳钓试验,研究分析了钓捕目标鱼种白姑鱼对不同饵料及饵料组合的选择性。饵料组成包括3种单饵料(鱼、虾、头足类)和4种饵料组合(鱼+虾、鱼+头足类、虾+头足类、鱼+虾+头足类)。结果显示,吕泗近岸单种饵料中以虾类的上钩率最高(15.30%),头足类其次(7.67%);如东近岸虾类的上钩率(0.65%)低于头足类(2.87%)。饵料组合中以虾和头足类为饵料时,仅有白姑鱼上钩,且上钩率要高于其他饵料组合。不同试钓点的白姑鱼对虾类和头足类的选择存在差异,这与目标种的资源密度分布和饵料属性有关。研究表明,单种饵料中,虾类和头足类的钓捕效果明显好于鱼类;短时间(≤2 h)钓捕,虾类饵料的钓捕效果好于头足类,长时间钓捕时,头足类饵料的上钩率会提高。该研究结果可为近岸延绳钓合理选用饵料提供参考。
Preliminary study on the bait selectivity of Argyrosomus argentatus in Jiangsu coastal longline fishery
XIONG Ying,ZHONG Xiaming,TANG Jianhua,WU Lei,GAO Yingsheng,WU Fuquan,
SHI Jinjin,WAN Yanping,WANG Chuqing
(Jiangsu Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Nantong 226007, China)
Abstract: The exploratory longline operations were conducted in the coastal waters near Lvsi and Rudong of Jiangsu Province from May to July, 2014. The selectivity of the target species Argyrosomus argentatus on different single-bait and multi-bait was tested. Single-baits included fish (Setipinna taty), shrimp (Penaeus vanname) and squid (Loligo japonica). Multi-baits included four combinations from the above three types of bait. The catch rate (15.30%) with the bait of shrimp was higher than that with squid (7.67%) in Lvsi coastal water, but the rate of the former (0.65%) was lower than the latter (2.87%) in Rudong coastal water. The multi-bait of shrimp and squid was proved to be a better combination compared with other three combinations. The difference in fishing effect between the two coastal waters was observed in the present study, and it was related to the resource distribution of A. argentatus and the physical properties of the baits. The results suggests that shrimp and squid as single-bait were more effective than fish, and shrimp should be selected as bait when the “soak time” is short (≤2h)while squid should be selected when the “soak time” is long. These data provide references for bait selectivity in coastal longline fishery for Argyrosomus argentatus.
Key words: longline; Argyrosomus argentatus; bait; selectivity