刘 勇1,黎建勋2
(1 上海渔业船舶检验局,上海 200433;
2 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要:随着电力推进系统在我国渔业船舶上的不断推广应用,在系统中采用三相交流PWM整流器在技术上已经比较成熟。本文从单相电压型PWM整流器的基本原理出发,对预测电流控制方法进行了分析,认为该方法进一步改善了四象限变流器的动态响应特征,提高了稳态控制精度。通过计算机仿真试验,验证了预测电流算法的可行性以及主电路参数选择的正确性,并在仿真的基础上,以TMS320LF2407 DSP控制芯片为核心,实现了预测电流控制算法在三相PWM整流器小功率实验平台上的软件调试。试验结果与仿真有很好的一致性,表明该方法具有较好的动态、静态性能,完全能够达到四象限变流器的设计要求,是一种比较理想的控制方法。
Study of single-phase PWM converter control strategy for fishing vessel electrical propulsion system
LIU Yong1, LI Jianxun2
(1 Register of Shanghai Fishing Vessel of the People’s Republic of China, Shanghai 200433,China;
2 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract:Electric propulsion system has been used widely in fishing vessels the technology improving. Electric propulsion system with three-phase PWM rectifier, has already been mature in the technology. But for part of fishing vessel with single-phase AC power supply system, the research and application for electric propulsion system is less. This paper introduces the basic principlesof single-phase voltage source PWM rectifier, analyze the predictive current control methods. The dynamic response and the static precision of four-quadrant converter with predictive current control methodsare much better. In this paper,through computer simulations to verify the feasibility of predictive current control methods and validity of the main circuit parameter selection. Then, through experimental platform debugging which withTMS320LF2407 DSP chip as the core, the result is very well coincident with the simulated result. It shows that this method has good dynamic and static performance, can meet the need of four-quadrant converter design requirementscompletely. It is an ideal control method.
Key words:fishing vessels;electrical propulsionsystem;single-phase;rectifier;control strategy