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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2015-11-09 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

巩沐歌,鲍旭腾,朱浩,周海燕,梁 澄,刘兴国
(中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海, 200092)


关键词:池塘养殖 ;水质因子;气象因子;相关分析

Typical correlation analysis was used for key factors of pond culture environment

GONG Muge,BAO Xuteng,ZHOU Haiyan,LIANG Cheng
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: In order to study the correlation-ship between water quality factors of different water layers in pond aquaculture environment and meteorological factors, 11 factors of the water quality(Water Temperature, DO, pH, ORP) and meteorological factors(Air Temperature, Air Pressure, Solar radiation, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall) were monitored, and canonical correlation analysis was used for six groups’ factors. The results showed that water temperature is the most active and most closely reaction in water quality factors, the key influence factor for temperature is the water temperature. DO and pH are relatively complicated factors of water quality factor,the key influence factors for DO are water temperature , solar radiation ,air pressure ,air temperature and humidity , the key influence factors for pH are water temperature, DO , air pressure ,air temperature and humidity . The correlation-ship between ORP and meteorological factors were weak (r<0.3), which cannot be considered.

Keywords: pond culture; water quality factors; meteorological factors; correlation analysis



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